I'm happy to report that the first iteration of World Map Sampling's almost done. I made all the encounter maps in the first batch (which includes every part of Evrandel except the water) and all the unique item rewards; all that's left is to finish the "Sample" event itself, and fill it out with the lists of ingredients and encounters I did a write-up for. (You'll be able to find ingredients everywhere, but Kitaban and Altolato won't have any encounters yet.) Most encounters will be more easily found if you haven't cleared them before; the bandits in the first video are the exception.
In future updates, I'm planning on adding more encounters to Kitaban and Altolato, and having new encounters appear on the list after certain key story events. I'm also thinking about adding a means of searching out those encounters directly if Brill hasn't already cleared them, but that'll all be post-0.2.5. (Hopefully without nearly as much of a delay as 0.2.5's had :P)
Here's one such encounter!
You might actually be able to guess where this one is.
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