Saturday, January 26, 2019

0.2.5: Development Screenshots 34

Good morning!

Development is slowly starting to pick up speed. Recently, I had hit some kind of creative block when it came to mapping, not helped by issues with lag. Well, that block's a thing of the past now; I've started working on one of the last dungeons of the update ahead of time!

Why is it that fictional mines always seem to attract dangerous critters? You can ponder this while you battle your way through the mines of Daltah.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

0.2.5: Development Screenshots 32

Morning, apothecaries!

It's taken a while to get used to the new job, and the changes it involves, but I think I'm just about there. I've done a good portion of the work on one of the dungeons today.

Here's part of it!

The indicators above the gates near the bottom of the screen hint at what lowers them.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

0.2.5: Development Screenshots 31


It's been another slow week, but I did finish some buildings.

Like this smithy, which shares a space with the hat store.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

0.2.5: Development Screenshots 30

Happy New Year, apothecaries!

A lot of things ate up my time this week. I did do some behind-the-scenes work, but that's something I'd rather not spoil.

In the meantime, have a picture of an armory.