Saturday, July 7, 2018

0.2.5: Development Screenshots 4 - A New Boat


Well, okay, it's not actually a BOAT, per se, but I couldn't resist a good reference. But enough about references. Let's talk about the Raft!

The Raft is working as intended. While it's in your inventory, you can either use it in the inventory or hit a shortcut key (default: "N") to deploy a raft in front of you, assuming you're facing shallow water. With this raft, Brill can finally cross the water and make for the south side of the map!

But you might have seen this coming, considering the very first development screenshot update had pirate ships. But there's something else about the Raft.

The Raft isn't limited to the World Map!

I'm currently going over all the existing maps looking for places where I can hide things across bodies of water. (And places where I need to add conditions in case you use the water to skip event flags. Oops.) Crossing water will also be featured prominently in at least one of the new dungeons in 0.2.5.


  1. Oh dear. I'm not in a position to playtest at the moment, but it's going to be quite a trek to bugtest for all possible waterskips.

    1. I think I've got 'em all, but just to be safe, I'll probably run to every single area in the game looking for things to break.
