Saturday, April 27, 2019

0.2.5: Development Screenshots 47

Good morning!

Unfortunately, I probably won't be finished with the update by the end of the month; I'm aiming for the 7th of May. But I did make some progress; the Dark Foundry needs only the treasures and a few traps and linking events, and I've made progress on the Mirage Monument as well!

Have a look at one of the conundrums within.

This Chamber is a puzzle based on the objects in the room, immediately followed by a number of similar puzzles.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

0.2.5 - Development Screenshots 46


I'm getting a lot more done this week. I may not release 0.2.5 by the goal I stated earlier, the end of the month- but I have gotten a lot done. The Mines dungeon and the related eventing are about halfway done, and the Foundry is nearly complete; the mapping in there is all done, and only the eventing needs to be finished.

Here's a picture of a part of it!

It's highly recommended that you not step on the glowy circles this time.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

0.2.5: Development Screenshots 45

Good morning!

The Daltah Mines are getting much closer to completion, and I've also worked on the towns quite a bit. Not much else to report, so have a screenshot.

Sometimes I wish I was half as good as this kid.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

0.2.5: Development Screenshots 44

Good morning!

In light of the long time it's taken without the soft deadlines I had earlier in development, I'm setting a new goal: have the update out by the end of April. I've been working quite a bit on mapping, especially in the Daltah Mines, arguably the most difficult area to map that I have yet to work on.

Here's a picture of another section of the Mines.

 The side alcoves contain treasure, and may have some hidden paths. But monsters lurk inside as well, including some you may not be able to see right off the bat...