Honestly, I'd like to apologize. When I first started work on 0.2.5, I expected it to take significantly less time than it did. I think I even projected "it'll be out in two months" at one point. It's clear that that didn't happen, because:
- I was looking for work, and later, was at work. They weren't kidding when they said it's hard to find your first job; I had to basically throw my resume at every job that fit and hope one of them hired me! Said 'first job' (which I'm currently at) has a fairly long commute on top of that, and I get up early to avoid traffic, all of which makes it hard to work on this for too long without getting sleepy on a weekday.
- I had to work out some details. 0.2.5 is where some major plot points will show up, and I had to hash out what lead to what and what is motivating who and things I have to not mention because they'd be humongous spoilers.
- I got sidetracked, big time. This was largely due to YouTube and video games (well, the ones I'm not making). I'm terribly sorry about this in particular.
As far as my current progress with 0.2.5 (note that these "percents" are approximations):
- World Map Sampling: 65% (Sample data is planned but not implemented; The first batch of encounter maps, which will cover existing locations, has all encounter enemies programmed, but the maps need finishing and I need to implement the items)
- The Magic Raft and Ocean areas: 100%
- Altolato and Centra Fort: 100%
- Nortahn/Grandfort: 80% (A few side/connecting maps)
- Grand Ring Lake: 95% (I really just need to put in a dragon statue event and add a few treasures)
- Arkenvali Academy: 80% (Some eventing; many parts are closed off in 0.2.5, and will be accessible in another update, likely one soon after 0.2.5)
- Daltah (except Mines): 40% (A few houses, and some events)
- Daltah Mines: 10% (I have nothing there except the entrance, really)
- Mirage Monument: 35% (Puzzles are all planned out, but most await implementation)
- Defia Castle: 50% (Events need fixed, map features need programming)
- Mt. Gwylio: 95% (Really, all that's left are map connection events!)
- That golem foundry level I showed off: 70% (Most of the maps are complete, but the boss room and another room have a fair bit of work connected to them both)
- ???: 50% (No spoilers!)
- ??? #2: 5% (Again, no spoilers!)
There's a gimmick to this maze, but I'm not saying it yet.