Saturday, August 25, 2018

0.2.5: Development Screenshots 11


I've been working on the Auction House, as well as the next stage of gear that you'll be able to build. That stuff will be the baseline for a lot of gear found around Kitaban, and it'll be what I balance monsters in later areas around.

I've also been doing some mapping of a castle, and of one of the areas you'll find said monsters in.

An early look at the ocean floor, complete with blue filter and loads of coral.

See those cliffs? You can jump up AND down here. (Someone will let you know, no worries.)

Saturday, August 18, 2018

0.2.5: Development Screenshots 10


This week, I've mostly been working on maps and new items, and trying to figure out issues with the Auction House minigame. I've also been doing some "behind the scenes" work that you can't really capture in a screenshot (without excessive spoilers, anyway).

I'd like to finish some dungeons over the next week, so I can drop some previews of them. In the meantime, here's another screenshot!

Orcs are tough. They might be tough enough to justify using this new Tonic variant, which heals the target again after a number of ticks instead of after they attack. (This stacks with Regen Formulas!)

Saturday, August 11, 2018

0.2.5: Development Screenshots 9


I've been making a lot of enemy data and putting together encounters for World Map sampling, but I've also been working on maps for the new dungeons in Kitaban.

Here's a few screenshots from Mt. Gwylio, near the capital city of the eastern province of Defia.

Mt. Gwylio, like a lot of Defia, has many pine trees, and if you go higher up the mountain you'll start running into some monsters.

There's also a few elves here. Like that guy over there.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

0.2.5: Development Screenshots 8

Morning! I've been working on a number of things lately. Mostly, it's been the new World Map sampling system. I sunk a bit more time into enemy encounters while Sampling than I expected, and also did a little mapping, mostly of a new town.

I was hoping to have 0.2.5 out within two months at first, but I vastly underestimated how much work it would be and how much I'd be delayed by various issues. However, with the sampling system implemented for one region, it's going to be much easier to implement it in other regions. One of the trickiest parts has actually been coming up with unique items that are worth getting, yet not blatantly overpowered, as rewards.

Fighting these guys will certainly be no picnic.

The Compass Fountain at the entrance to the Academy in Arkenvali, the southernmost province of Kitaban.